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Southeast Asia's Economic Outlook in 2024: A Detailed Analysis

Updated time: 22 May, 2024, 12:30 (UTC+08:00)

Southeast Asia continues to experience strong economic growth and notable economic variety as we get closer to 2024. In order to show the diverse economic environments that characterize this dynamic area, this article explores the economic rankings of Southeast Asian nations, evaluates regional economic growth, and breaks down GDP growth by nation.

Southeast Asia Economy Ranking 2024

In 2024, the ranking of Southeast Asia economy reflects the region's diverse economic conditions, political stability, economic policies, and growth rates, showcasing both their potential and resilience. These rankings highlight the significant differences in the size, development, and growth rates of the economies within Southeast Asia, underscoring the unique strengths and challenges faced by each country in the region.

  1. Singapore maintains its status as a worldwide financial hub with a high-performing economy powered by trade, innovation, and finance, keeping it at the top of the regional rankings.
  2. Indonesia, following suit, leverages its abundant natural resources and burgeoning digital economy to drive economic expansion. Benefiting from burgeoning urbanization and a growing middle class, Indonesia boasts the largest GDP in the region.
  3. Thailand and Malaysia, closely rated, have economies primarily reliant on manufacturing and exports, with significant growth in tourism and technology sectors.
  4. Vietnam emerges as a star performer with robust industrial exports and high growth rates driven by foreign direct investments.
  5. The Philippines demonstrates tenacity with a booming IT-BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) industry and a service-oriented economy supported by remittances.
  6. Smaller economies like those in Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia face constraints due to unreliable governmental systems and underdeveloped infrastructure, limiting their potential.

Southeast Asia Economy Ranking 2024

Southeast Asia Economy Ranking 2024

Southeast Asia Economic Growth

In 2024, Southeast Asia's economic growth remains remarkable, with the region bouncing back strongly from global disruptions like the U.S.-China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic. This resilience is largely due to heightened regional cooperation and integration, which have improved intraregional trade and economic stability.

Economic development in the locale is too driven by noteworthy outside coordinate speculation (FDI), especially focusing on the fabricating segments of Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand. These ventures are frequently persuaded by the broadening techniques of multinational companies looking to moderate dangers related with financial conditions in China.

Digital change is another key driver of development over Southeast Asia, with nations like Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines improving their computerized frameworks and cultivating biological systems conducive to advancement in fintech, e-commerce, and savvy technologies.

Southeast Asia Economic Growth

Southeast Asia Economic Growth

Southeast Asia GDP Growth by Country

GDP development rates over Southeast Asia reflect the region's financial dynamism and the special circumstances of each country:

  • Singapore ventures a relentless development of around 2-3%, proceeding its center on high-tech divisions, budgetary administrations, and worldwide trade.
  • Indonesia, with its differing economy, is anticipated to develop at around 5%, driven by speculations in foundation, a flourishing advanced economy, and a vigorous household customer market.
  • Vietnam stands out with an expected development rate of 6-7%, one of the most noteworthy in the locale, upheld by solid fabricating trades and an expanding move towards high-value industries.
  • Thailand and Malaysia are anticipated to see development rates of 3-4%, with both nations pushing for more noteworthy financial expansion into innovation and administrations to decrease reliance on conventional segments like farming and essential manufacturing.
  • Philippines seems to witness a development rate of around 6%, impelled by residential utilization, settlements, and the quickly growing advanced and benefit sectors.
  • Cambodia and Myanmar, in spite of being littler economies, appear potential with anticipated development rates of around 6-7%, unexpected on political soundness and framework development.
  • Laos sees direct development due to ventures in framework and vitality, especially hydroelectric control, which is getting to be a noteworthy export.

Southeast Asia GDP Growth by Country

Southeast Asia GDP Growth by Country


The economies of Southeast Asia in 2024 illustrate flexibility and potential in the midst of worldwide and territorial challenges. With changing levels of financial advancement, the locale presents an embroidered artwork of openings and challenges. Key speculations in foundation, innovation, and human capital, coupled with political solidity and viable administration, are key to maintaining development and upgrading the financial stature of Southeast Asia on the worldwide organization. As these countries proceed to create, they offer important lessons in financial adjustment and strength, making Southeast Asia a locale to observe in the coming years.


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