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Generally, there is no need for any business license when forming an LLC. However, depending on the state and the industry in question, an LLC will need appropriate business licenses when operating. There are many types of license, issued at different levels, from federal all the way down to local town hall. Some states have laws making general business licenses compulsory regardless of the company’s type of business.
In order to avoid any trouble regarding business licenses for your LLC, check with the state government office or consult a corporate service provider like One IBC® to have a list of all potential required business licenses.
Some industries require a federal license. In other words, if an LLC operates in any of these sectors, they need to apply with the federal government for their business licenses:
All businesses operating in Alaska must have a state business license. The Occupational Licensing Section of the Division of Corporations, Business & Professional Licensing handles this.
In California, there is no standard state business license. However, companies have to apply for local business licenses at the city's offices or city hall.
The Delaware Division of Revenue requires business licenses, even for companies doing business outside of the state. City and/or county business licenses are also compulsory as well.
Florida business license is applied at the Department of Business and Professional Regulations Application Center. Most counties in Florida also require business/occupational licenses or business tax receipts.
The Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development has a list of statewide business licenses and a list of any counties’ special licenses or permissions, very convenient to check if the company needs any license in this state.
In New York, there is no standard state business license, but there are some industry specific and/or local licenses.
There is no statewide business license in Texas. In most Texas cities, a local business license is not necessary as well. However, some industries require their own specific licenses.
A state business license is compulsory in Washington, processed by the Business Licensing Service. Local business licenses are required in Washington as well.